Solar Powered Recording Studio -- Cornell-approved outside vendor
cell: 607.339.6607  land: 607.387.6900 (the old "rongo" number!)

FingerLakes Recording

On Site, Right Price Audio and Video Recording

AlSettingMicForLute400 Through the years, many players have commented on the difficulty of getting a truly inspired performance in an artificially contained environment. Indeed, many groups only come alive when playing to an audience. The Rolling Stones make perfectly decent records, but it's widely acknowledged that their live shows are killer! That's the type of project FingerLakes relishes. Cut out the safety net, play live, and go for it! Spontaneity and serendipity are a musician's best friend. It's a shame to lose that incredible performance just for lack of resources.

That's why we want to record you on site and why we make it cost efficient to record either a single show or a series of shows. Once connected and tested, we're invisible. Unlike the recording process in a conventional studio, you won't be hearing us 'talkback' at all! You can ignore us. You're free to play anything you want and to go where the audience, the music, and your heart takes you.


First just let me say that I LOVE what you did and wouldn't change a thing. Quality: light years better than anything I have ever done or could do. … read more
-- Alex

 cell: 607.339.6607  land: 607.387.6900 (the old "rongo" number!)

Original site content © 2004- FingerLakesRecording. Client content used by permission.
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